The Agreements View allows you to efficiently manage multiple agreements by making bulk changes. With the bulk change functions, you can:
Export audit schedules
Add modifications
Apply GL code template
Insert custom field template
Duplicate agreements
Archive agreements
Move agreements
Delete agreements
Watch the following video to learn how to use the bulk change functionality:
Video Length: 3 Minutes
Alternatively, you can read the following guide to learn how to use the bulk change functionality:
How to find the bulk change functions?
Navigate to the Agreements View.
Locate the bulk change drop-down menu, positioned above the agreement list.
How to use each bulk change function?
To perform bulk actions, follow these steps:
Select the desired agreements.
Click on the appropriate function from the list.
Click “Go” to execute the action.
The following sections provide detailed explanations of each function and how to use them.
Export audit schedules
To export audit schedules, follow these steps:
Select Format
Choose whether to export the audit schedules into a single Excel file or multiple Excel files.
Select Type
Decide on the schedule format:
Daily Schedule: Export data broken down by day.
Monthly Schedule: Export data summarized by month.
Set Tab Names
Specify how the tabs in the Excel file should be named:
Agreement Titles: Use the agreement titles as tab names.
Agreement IDs: Use the agreement IDs as tab names.
After the above are set, click “Export”
Add modifications
Select the modification you want to create, then follow the same steps as setting up a modification for a single agreement, such as effective date and start date
Note: The selected agreements must have the same standard, role, lease classification, and scope exemption
Apply GL code template
Select the GL template you want to apply, then click “Apply.”
Insert custom field template
Select the custom field template, then click “Insert”
Duplicate agreements
Add a Prefix or Suffix: Specify a prefix or suffix to distinguish the duplicated agreements from the originals.
Example of a prefix: "Copy of Agreement XYZ"
Example of a suffix: "Agreement XYZ - Copy"
Select Destination Company: Choose the company where the duplicated agreements should be stored.
Then click “Duplicate”
Archive agreements
Once confirmed the agreements that you would like to archive, then click “Archive”
Move agreements
Add a Prefix or Suffix: Specify a prefix or suffix to identify the moved agreements.
Example of a prefix: "From Company A to Company B - Agreement XYZ"
Example of a suffix: "Agreement XYZ - From Company A to Company B "
Select Destination Company: Choose the company where the selected agreements should be moved to.
Then click “Move”
Delete agreements
Enter the number of agreements you wish to delete.
Carefully review and confirm the selected agreements for deletion, as this action is irreversible.
When is the best time to use bulk changes? Bulk change functions are best used when multiple agreements require the same updates. For example, if several agreements share the same accounting end date extension of two years, applying bulk changes would be an efficient and appropriate solution
Further Reading: