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Non lease payments

CAM charges, insurance and other charges that are billed but now captured as a lease payment

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Written by Support
Updated over 2 years ago

Lease payments

The lease accounting standard is incredible explicit to what consitutes a lease payment. Which is defined as any payment that is a result of using the underlying asset.

The majority of these payments will factored into the calculation of the lease liabilty. For more details on that refer here.

Non-lease payments

Not all activities related to a lease are subject to the guidance in ASC 842. For example, a supplier may lease a truck and operate the leased asset on behalf of a customer (i.e., provide a driver). The service of providing a driver is not related to securing the use of the truck and is not a lease component. Only items that contribute to securing the asset's output are lease payments.

In this example, only the use of the truck is considered a lease component. Similarly, costs incurred by a supplier to provide maintenance on an underlying asset and the materials and supplies consumed as a result of the use of the asset are not lease components.

Where to input non-lease payments

Once the lease has been input and the Initial Recognition tab is complete, you can input the applicable non-lease payments.

To do that, click "Non-Lease Payments":

and then "+ New Non-Lease Payment Schedule":

If you have not set up any non-lease payments, select "Manage Accounts" which will allow you to add the lease payments applicable to your leases:

Once set up, you can then select is the account you created:

To complete, fill out the remainder of the details in the modal window, and you've captured a non-lease payment! You can add as many non-lease payments as you like.

Cradle will automatically create the relevant journals, and this will flow through to the financial reports. In addition, a separate general ledger account will be created, which you can allocate for your journal report.

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