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Bulk Upload Guide
Maxim Andreev avatar
Written by Maxim Andreev
Updated over a week ago

How to Use the Bulk Upload Feature on Cradle

The bulk upload feature on Cradle streamlines the process of uploading multiple agreements using a provided Excel template. This functionality is crucial for handling various types of agreements like ASC 842 Lessee, ASC 842 Lessor, IFRS 16 Lessee, IFRS 16 Lessor, GASB 96, and GASB 87.

Using the Provided Spreadsheet Template

  1. Download the Template: Start by requesting the pre-formatted Excel template from support.

  2. Fill Out the Spreadsheet: Input your agreement data into the appropriate tabs within the template. Ensure you follow the template’s structure to avoid validation errors.

Uploading the Spreadsheet

  1. Navigate to Bulk Upload: Access the 'Bulk Upload' section within Cradle.

  2. Upload the File: Click on the ‘Bulk Upload’ button, then drag and drop your filled spreadsheet or browse to upload it from your device.

Configuring Upload Settings

  1. Set Validation Preferences:

    • If Any Agreement's Validations Fail: Choose to either halt all creations or create only the valid agreements if some fail validation.

  2. Company and Asset Class Handling:

    • If Company ID Field Empty: Opt to either generate an error or create a new company automatically.

    • If Asset Class ID Field Empty: Choose between throwing an error or defaulting to an "Uncategorized" asset class.

Processing and Monitoring

  1. Start the Upload Process: Click on ‘Upload & Process’. The system will start processing the uploaded agreements.

  2. Track the Upload: Post-upload, each entry in the bulk upload list will show a '3-number' column under "Agreements / Errors / Created" where you can see the count of agreements processed, errors found, and agreements successfully created.

  3. Error Handling:

    • Rows with validation errors will appear in red with the specific errors detailed in the last column of the row.

Reviewing Created Agreements

  • Download Output: After the agreements are processed, you can download an output spreadsheet that links the newly created agreements.

  • View Details: Click on the numbers in the "Agreements / Errors / Created" column to view specific details and statuses of the uploaded agreements.

Adding Multiple Entries

  • Handling Multiple e.g. Incentives: When an agreement involves multiple incentives or similar multiple entries, input them on consecutive lines in the template. They will be automatically associated with the respective agreement.

Using the bulk upload feature on Cradle not only facilitates the mass uploading of agreements but also ensures efficient management and tracking of these uploads, making it easier to maintain accuracy and order in your agreement records.

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