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How custom reporting works

The Custom reporting functionality in Cradle allows you to compare and contrast different sources of information within Cradle

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Updated over a week ago

Let's say you want to collate a report to get an overview of your lease portfolio. To do this, you want the following inputs:

  • Commencement date of the lease

  • Currency of the lease

  • Lease liability value

  • Interest incurred on the lease liability

  • Fixed payments made

  • Lease liability end date

  • ROU asset carrying amount

  • Depreciation/amortization incurred

  • ROU end date

You then want to tie this report to consolidated and company-level financial reports. With Cradle's Custom report, you can do this.

So, for example, you can run the report for all agreements to see the breakdown of the lease liability balance sheet amount at a particular point in time.

If you want further information on how the Custom Report works with Custom Fields refer here.

Where to find the Custom report

The report can be found under the Reports tab at the agreement and company level—the same location as the financial reports such as the Journal and Disclosure reports. For consolidated reporting, select Consolidated Reports, and it's the tab on the right.

How to run a custom report

Once you select the Custom reports tab, you have several filters and inputs to choose from. The filters available will depend if you have selected the report at the agreement, company, or consolidated level. Given consolidated reporting gives the most flexibility, we'll run the report at this level:


Here you have several filters. You can first select what currency you want the report in. Secondly, you can filter by:

  • Asset class

  • Companies

  • Agreements

Change Custom report inputs

The report can be completely tailored to your requirements, hence the name 🙂. To do this, select Change Columns and select the inputs you want:

Once you have input the parameters, then select Run Report.

You can view the report either in Cradle or export the report as a CSV file.

Explanation of each column



Accrued Pre Payment

Balance sheet amount for a scope exempt agreement.

Accrued Rent Payable

Balance sheet amount for a scope exempt agreement.

Asset Retirement Obligation

Balance sheet amount.

Lease Liability

Balance sheet amount.

Leasehold Improvement Carrying Amount

Balance sheet amount.

ROU Asset Carrying Amount

Balance sheet amount.

Make good provision

Balance sheet amount.

Amortization Expense

Amortization expense incurred on the ROU asset based on the period the report has been run.

Depreciation Expense

Depreciation expense incurred on the ROU asset based on the period the report has been run.

Depreciation Expense Incurred on Leasehold Improvement

Leasehold improvement depreciation expense based on the period the report has been run.


Impairment expense incurred based on the period the report has been run

Interest Expense Incurred on Asset Retirement Obligation

Interest expense incurred on the asset retirement obligation for the period the report has been run

Interest Expense Incurred on Lease Liability

Interest expense incurred on the lease liability for the period the report has been run.

Interest Expense Incurred on Make Good Provision

Interest expense incurred on the make good provision for the period the report has been run.

Lease Expense (Scope exempt)

Lease expense incurred for a scope exempt agreement for the period the report has been run.

Lease Expense - Amortization

Lease expense incurred for an operating lease related to the amortization of the ROU asset for the period the report has been run.

Lease Expense - Interest

Lease expense incurred for an operating lease related to the interest of the lease liability for the period the report has been run.

Non-lease component expense

The non-lease component expense incurred for the period the report has been run.

Variable lease expense

Variable lease expense incurred for the period the report has been run.

Asset Location

This field was input in the Initial Recognition tab of the agreement.

Asset Title

This field was input in the Initial Recognition tab of the agreement.

Commencement Date

This field was input in the Initial Recognition tab of the agreement. Don't forget to input "Transition date" to capture those leases that transitioned to ASC 842/IFRS 16.


This field was input in the Initial Recognition tab of the agreement.


This field was input in the Initial Recognition tab of the agreement.

Lease Classification

This field was input in the Initial Recognition tab of the agreement.

Related Party

This field was input in the Initial Recognition tab of the agreement.

Scope Exemption

This field was input in the Initial Recognition tab of the agreement.


This field was input in the Initial Recognition tab of the agreement.

Transition Date

This field was input in the Initial Recognition tab of the agreement.

Transition Method

This field was input in the Initial Recognition tab of the agreement.

Security deposit receivable

This field was input in the Initial Recognition tab of the agreement.

Latest Accounting End Date

The figure was taken from the Initial Recognition or Modification tab based on the most up-to-date information for the applicable agreement.

Latest ROU End Date

The figure was taken from the Initial Recognition or Modification tab based on the most up-to-date information for the applicable agreement.

Discount rate

The figure was taken from the Initial Recognition or Modification tab based on the most up-to-date information for the applicable agreement.

Early Termination Date

The date was taken from the Modification tab of the applicable agreement.

Asset class

This field was input in the Initial Recognition tab of the agreement.


This field was input in the Initial Recognition tab of the agreement.


This is the date the agreement was created in Cradle.

Payments made

This is the sum of the fixed payments made related to the agreement for the period the report was run.

Contract expiry

This date was entered in the Events tab.

Number of renewals

The total number of renewals that have been added in the Events tab.

Impairment reversal

Reversal of Impairment based on the period the report has been run.


The title of the agreement, input in the Initial Recognition tab.

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