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How to add a new user

Steps to add a new user to Cradle

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

You have signed up, created your parent entity, and would now like to add your team members.

Here are the steps:

1. Select "Users & Permissions" on the sidebar and then click on "Add User/Permission"

2. Fill out the details of the user you want to invite.

Access Levels:

  • Super Admin User - Full admin access to entire organization.

    • The only users that can access all companies

  • Company Admin User - Full access except payment details.

  • Regular User - Full access except adding/changing/deleting permissions and payment details.

  • Read-Only User - Full read-only access.

  • Auditor - Full read-only access.

  • You can select user's access to specific companies.

After it is sent, it will show up on the list as seen below.

You also have the ability to edit the permissions or delete the invite/permission entirely after it has been sent/accepted.

*Please note that you cannot change the name or email of the invite. If you need to do so, please delete the invite (revoking the user's rights) and send a new one.

For instructions on how to accept the invite and sign into with Cradle, please refer here.

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