To receive an invite, you first must be invited! If this has not occurred yet, refer to this article.
Here are the steps to join your team in Cradle.
1. Log into your email & accept the email invitation:
If you have not received this email and the invite has been sent, please check your spam folder.
2. When you click "Accept my invitation" you will be taken here
2 (a) If this is your first time using Cradle, please click "sign up" and you will be taken to the following screen to register.
Once registered, you will then be prompted to confirm your email address.
2 (b) Log into your email and confirm your email address:
Once that is done, return to the login page to accept your invite to Cradle!
3. To see your invitations, first log into Cradle, then click on your name in the bottom left corner and then "Invites". You will be presented with the following screen where you can accept or decline your invitations.
In the bottom left of the screen, you can also see the green notification, which indicates you have received an invitation.
4. Once an invite is accepted, you will be taken to the applicable organization you have been invited to.