For budgeting and forecasting purposes, you can generate financial reports for any future dates you want
Export future financial reports and input assumptions into Excel instead of Cradle
You can watch the video below to see how to run financial reports on a future date for budgeting and forecasting
Video length: 2 minutes
Or you can read the steps below.
You can run any future date you want in Cradle. For example, you want to see run the balance sheet for 2026. (Current year is 2024)
Step 1 - Go to Consolidated Report, then click “Balance Sheet” tab
Step 2 - Simply type in “2026-12-31” as your reporting date, then click “run report”
Step 3 - Export to Excel and input assumptions in the financial
report Excel file.
Note: Please keep all the assumption inputs outside of Cradle and adjust the future financial reports in Excel instead. Do not make changes in Cradle as that would affect your financial reporting
Should I make changes in the existing agreements or duplicate the original agreements? Avoid confusion and mistakes by not inputting assumptions into Cradle. Your colleagues may enter assumptions or forget to delete duplicated agreements, etc. In the end, you can input anything you want into Cradle, but it is not recommended to do forecasting in Cradle.
Further Reading